Saturday, November 30, 2013

Everything is thrown off...

Good Morning all.
Wow it's been such a busy week so far.  I know we are in the weekend, but we have some company coming for tomorrow and we need to get the house ready.  At least the downstairs part.  There is never an ending to the cleaning we need to do.
I just wanted to say that yes I am still around, and I will post every now and then.  If I work I don't want to be in front of a computer while I am home, and I worked all week.
I know that today is normally the Japanese word of the day, but since I haven't been around all week I am going to put on something different.
Here is a sound that helps get me going if I don't have to much energy in the morning.
Called: SandStorm by: Darude
Was released  in 2000.

Hope this helps you to move this morning.
Hope everyone has a good day.  I will try to post tomorrow.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Japan Fact of the day.

Hello all.  I had a full days work today, and I am going to be working all week but I will try to get a post on everyday if I can.
I did a little research and I found out that Japan has up to 6,852 islands.
It is really hard to tell but most of them are very small and more on the south end of Japan.
Here is a map that I found.

Have a good night everyone.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

I'm Baaack!

Hello everyone.
It has been awhile since I have posted.  I finally got my computer back on Friday and I wanted to go through some photos that we have found.  This post is going to have a lot of pictures of another favourite of mine. They are the cats of the house here.
We currently have 3 1/2 cats.... Wait I will explain the half part.  You see once in awhile we take care of the cat next door when the family is out of town. So when he wants any food or a nap he comes here and stays for awhile until we bring him home for the night.  It really depends on the weather here.  If it is cold or rainy, or even both he stays here most of the day.
Hence the reason why we have a half a cat. :P.
The following pictures will be of the cats.  On unfortunately don't have a picture of our oldest cat.  She is sixteen years old and just is becoming very skinny.  We are not sure how much longer she is going to go for. She went from being I don't know maybe 16 to almost 20 pound to about 3.5 pounds.  It is really sad.  Far as we know she isn't in any pain at all so we are doing what we can for her.
While I am at it here is the word of the day in Japanese.
猫 Pronounced as Neko.  Meaning Cat.
Thought that I am talking about cats in this post I thought to add the word of the day here too.
Anyway here are the pictures that I promised.

This one here is Loki.  I got him shortly after I moved on my own.  Now I live with my boyfriend and they have two other cats and the neighbour's cat to deal with now.   He is not really to fond of the other two males that are around. But most of the time he is pretty relaxed here.


This huge ball of fur is Little One.  He was this size of your hand when he was a kitten now he is a sixteen pound of fur and muscle, and probably fat too.  He is such a suck and purrs like mad.  He is not a huge fan of Loki moving in and they have their occasional fight for dominates.  Still not sure he is the dominated one yet, and I have been living here for over a year now.


 The one lying with Little one on the bed is Miko.  He is the neighbour's cat that is here every now and then.  These two grew up together so they get along quite well.

  This here is Emma I was able to find a picture of her.  Even though its not the best one.  She loves being covered with paper and sweaters but the poor thing got herself caught in the arm of the sweater and couldn't get out.  But you can see how small she is if she can get in the arm of it.
She wasn't happy at all and we got her out soon after this picture was taken.
I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Monday, November 18, 2013

On hold

Hello there just a quick note.  My computer is out of my hands right now, so I am letting everyone know that I am not going to be posting for awhile.  It might be a couple more days until I get it back.  I will try to have an extra big post once I am back on my computer.
Thanks for reading.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Japanese word of the day

The word of the day is...

Hon, 本
Which means book.
When you but ya in the end of the word it becomes; 本屋.
That means bookstore, clerk, or owner of the book store.

Friday, November 15, 2013


Good evening all.
It has been a better day.  My bf and I went out for a couple of things.  One was my early Christmas gift and I did open it today.  It is the PS4 that just came out today and it is really cool so far.  I didn't buy any games yet but there was a few free ones online.  There wasn't a lot of content on the PSN (Playstation Network) as of yet but they just released the console so there is probably going to be a bunch coming out in the next few weeks.
The vision I got didn't come with the camera but I might get that in the new year maybe. The only thing I am probably not going to like is that you have to pay to play online.  I don't play that much online. However if there are new games that are better online I might just bite the bullet and pay for a year sub.  It is not that much just $50.00 a year I believe.  I might need to double check on that and get back to you if that is wrong.
Any that is it.  Going to play with my new toy before bed.
Night all.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


It has been a interesting day today.  Found out that the place I use to get a lot of work at has now found someone else to supply when they need some one.  Wow woopie shit.  I wasn't really that impressed when I first found out but, hey shit happens and I am really wanting to find a new school at some point which I hope I did.  Btw for those of you that don't know.  I am a supply secretary of a school board, and I have been doing it for two years just about.  When I first started I had the help of my mother which was a secretary at one of the school which I went to all the time to help her out.  Now that she is retired and someone replaced her that person is getting someone else in.  Even though she said, "Oh yeah I will give you a call when ever I need someone."  Yeah right.  Anyway I just needed to vent a little.  Thanks for reading.  Tomorrow I hope I will have something more happy to talk about.
Oh yeah I am getting my Christmas gift early.  So kinda happy about that thanks to my bf.
Anyway here is a video that helped calm me down.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Full of Distractions

Wow I have been distracted today.  I didn't realize that I didn't post until now.  I am going stir crazy because I haven't been getting work lately.  I am hoping at some point I am going to get a call for a job.
I have been kinda of working on a story that I have been kinda thinking about since maybe the beginning of the year.  I don't have it up anywhere but I think I will at some point.
It is called Darkness of a Rose.  The way its coming to my minds its going to be very dark hence the name.  It will be based in Ottawa but the main character will be from Japan getting away from something that happened to her a little while ago.  She has only been here for a couple of months, and slowly getting use to the life in a different country, she meets someone that is willing to show her around.  She was so happy about that she was really distracted she walked out in the middle of the road on a red light and got hit by a car.  From this point on everything changes for her some for the good, but most is for the bad.  Don't know how far I am going to get with this.  I only have a couple of chapters and maybe four characters in it so far.  We will see how far this might go.

Found this pic on a I believe it was one of the Fantasy like pages on Facebook.  

Just a note most of the pictures that I have posted on here are Not mine.  The only ones that are, are the drawings and the pics of the figure.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Newly Discovered Japanese Singers

Good Morning
Not a bad morning so far, and soon going to start cleaning my area of the house.  Its a long time coming.
Today I am going to post another Group of singers that I discovered not to long ago.
They are called Kalafina and I found out that this Group started in 2008.
This song is a little different from the rest of the stuff that I have seen so far.
I really love the sounds.


Someday the light of love you lit within your eyes
will transcend time,
and surely destroy one of the dreams
of a world racing towards destruction.
Now that you've drunk dry your doubts,
what do you desire?
Will there be a fleeting tomorrow
at the end of this path of selfish yearning?
Like the ancient magic
I saw in my dreams when I was young,
I want to see you
smiling with the power to destroy even darkness.
In these trembling hands,
I hold a broken flower's courage.
I rely on my feelings alone.
A wish
that will wake the light.
Someday perhaps you, too, will desire power
for another's sake.
On the night when love captures your chest,
unknown words will spring forth.
If I can follow my path without wavering,
I care not if my heart shatters.
I wish I had a spell
to stand against the sadness
that's ever before my eyes.
For you, dreams of memories,
For me, a sleepless tomorrow,
but I'll continue to fight for
the miracle of our meeting.
In these trembling hands,
I hold a broken flower's blade.
I live for my feelings alone.
A wish
held aloft in my heart.
Back when I loved books about wonderlands
where a captive sun shines,
I believed the fairy tales
that told me all my wishes would come true.
(Amidst the light and shadow)
The quietly blossoming
ancient magic gently whispers to me,
'In your hands is the power to change the world'.
Let's dream a neverending dream
in the time I have with you.
I live for my feelings alone.
My wish,
'To create life'
Lyrics from:

Monday, November 11, 2013

Lest we Forget

This is something that I don't really post, but for it being Remembrance Day in Canada and Veterans Day in the U.S.A.  I would like to post this out of respect to those that have been in the current and past wars, and also for the people that we have lost in them.

I remember as a child in school on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the year.  We always had a ceremony to show our respect and gratitude to the people that sacrificed themselves for us to live in peace.

Lest we Forget.     

In Flanders Field

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Anything goes

Good morning all.

It is Sunday again, and I am not sure what to put on this time.

So I think this is going to be an anything goes.
A few days ago I bought a new toy that was related to my favourite anime (Sailor Moon).

I bought it at the Comic Book Shoppe, on Bank street here in Ottawa.

I was going to give you the link for it but it does not work for some reason.
I might find out why sometime in the future.
Anyway here are a few pictures of the item.

This one here^ is not this best.  But I think you get the idea.

I really didn't have the heart to take it out of the box, because there are so  many little pieces and I don't want to loose any of it.

They are remaking Sailor Moon and release it some time this New Year.  (Unless they change the date again.)  So the people of Bandai Japan is coming out with new product for the anime for kids and adults.

I am keeping an eye out for anything that I might like, and able to afford.

Anyway that is all for now.
Thanks all. ^.^

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Word of the day

We were cleaning all day and wasn't really able to get on until now.

Here is the Japanese word of the day.
This one I got from my head.
It is... Genki 元気。
Which means healthy; energy.
Or when you put it in a sentence
"O-Genki des-ka? Mean; how are you doing?
Or Genki des.  Fine Thank you. Or Good thanks.
The Language is quite confusing at times, but once you get use to it, it starts to make sense.
Nihon 日本                                                                       (this one I am not sure what it means)

Still going to be a long way till I get the hang of this. :)

Friday, November 8, 2013


Good Morning...

Well it doesn't feel that good right now.
I have so much negativity in my mind right now. I don't know what to do with it all.
The best thing to do with it is meditate.
Here is a technique that I have learned while meditating to get it all out of you.

1)Find the most quiet place in your home.
2)Put on a very soothing artist or you can have complete silence if you like.  It depends if you live in the heart of the city or in the country.
3)Get into a comfortable position and close your eyes.
4)Start to breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Do that until you are completely calm. (I feel if I focus so much on the breathing I can't fall into complete meditation, but hey that is just me.)
5)When you are in full meditative state picture an orb starting to glow above your head/body. (It can be any colour you think your negative energy. Red, green, black, even white.) Push that energy out of you into that orb until nothing is left in your body. (Take as long as you like.)
6)When you are ready focus that orb of negative energy and push it down into the earth as far as you can.
7)Meditate as long as you like.
8)When you are ready start to focus your mind on your breathing again. In and out...
9)Open your eyes blink a few times and wake up your body.  Take your time.  You should feel a lot better after fully wake up your body.

Some of the time when I get the chance to meditate is before bed, and I do it in bed.  It really depends on the night though.

Anyway give that a shot when ever your angry or frustrated about what is going on in your day/night.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Dark style musician

I really like a lot of different kinds of music here is one.
This song made me fall in love with this group. If you like dark stuff and metal kind of music you might like this.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Good Morning all.

I noticed last week I put down one of my hobbies, which was drawing.
So here is my next hobby.
I write a lot, but I still think I need work on my grammar.
If anyone want to help me with that let me know.
I do a lot of fanfiction writing, and I am slowly working on getting it on a site called
Right now I only have one fanfiction on the site at the moment, and it is a Labyrinth one.
You know Labyrinth with David Bowie as Jareth.
A sixteen year old girl named Sarah had a little brother that would stop crying one night, and she wish the Goblin King Jareth to take him away.  She went through the Labyrinth to save her brother.
There is a lot more to it, but after that story I continued about ten years later and she meet Jareth again.  I am not going to say any more.  You got to read the fanfiction to find out what happens.
 Here is the site: .
I only have three chapters.  I hope soon I will get back into it, and put on the next chapter.
Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Another Japanese Musician

I am listening to her right now.
I first discovered this one from an anime that I listed in post not too long ago.
It is called Vampire Knight, and the artist is Kanon Wakeshima.


Suna no Oshiro (Castle of Sand) 

Gently flowing
The dry clouds come through
A gray me
Just sit down

Gathering stars
Build the sand castle
My humble prayer
The sorrowful fall
Its feet
And the waves steal it

a world of darkness.
a world of silence.

Prayer takes off
While being fanned by the wind
Still continue to light
While I have no more time
My hands turn cold
Build sand castles
And the waves steal it

Oh, to you

Lyrics from the site

Monday, November 4, 2013

Japanese Fact of the Day

It has been a filling day today.  I completely restored my computer.
It looked like I had a few problems on it. So that is why this is a little late.

Japanese Fact of the Day.
I thought this was pretty interesting when I saw this.
Did you know that over 70% of Japan is mountains, and the country has over 200 volcanoes.
Yeah just a few.  The only one that I really know about is Mt. Fuji 富士山, Fujisan.  Yeah.... don't know much about their landscape.
I learn something new every day.
Here is the link that has the information I found.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Good evening everyone.
I noticed that when I talk about anime, I always talk about Sailor Moon.
Sailor Moon this Sailor Moon that.  I do enjoy many other animes.
Here is a list and a picture of most of the anime I have seen and enjoyed.
Fushigi Yugi
 Ayashi no Ceres
Pandora Hearts

 Fairy Tail
 Magic Knight Rayearth
 Ah! My Goddess
 Vampire Knight
 Rurouni Kenshin
 Eureka 7
 Fullmetal Alchemist 
Cardcaptor Sakura

Vampire Hunter D/Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust
That is all for now.  I have so many others that I have watched, and more that I am in the process of watching.  BTW most of these are for Teens and older but for Cardcaptor Sakura.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Japanese Word of the Week

Today's word will be....

juku 塾
Which means Cram School.
In Japan Education is one of the top thing in a person's life there.
Here is an image that shows the average student's path through school.

All through the school years their goals are get the highest grades they can. They want to get to the top Elementary school the top Lower Secondary School etc... The place that they do the most studying is in a Cram School.
If anyone has any ideas for posts let me know with comments

Friday, November 1, 2013

New Age musician

I showed you one of my Japanese music artist. Here is one of my favorite New Age music artist.

Blessed Be to all. :)