Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Good Morning all.

I noticed last week I put down one of my hobbies, which was drawing.
So here is my next hobby.
I write a lot, but I still think I need work on my grammar.
If anyone want to help me with that let me know.
I do a lot of fanfiction writing, and I am slowly working on getting it on a site called
Right now I only have one fanfiction on the site at the moment, and it is a Labyrinth one.
You know Labyrinth with David Bowie as Jareth.
A sixteen year old girl named Sarah had a little brother that would stop crying one night, and she wish the Goblin King Jareth to take him away.  She went through the Labyrinth to save her brother.
There is a lot more to it, but after that story I continued about ten years later and she meet Jareth again.  I am not going to say any more.  You got to read the fanfiction to find out what happens.
 Here is the site: .
I only have three chapters.  I hope soon I will get back into it, and put on the next chapter.
Thanks for reading.

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