Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween/Samhain

Here is a song that I really like.  It came from my favorite Halloween Movie Hocus Pocus.  
Enjoy. :)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


One of the things I like to do is drawing.
I don't draw very often, and I think I still need a lot of work to make it better.

Here are some of the pictures I drew awhile back.
If you read my Root of my Passion post.  I mentioned that my love started with Sailor Moon. Here is Chibi Usa laughing.  I thought it was my best one of her.  I did it a few years back

This is Michiru Kaioh.  I drew it this year and it is one of my favorites I have done of her.  I copied it from a smaller picture I found online that was originally an iphone background.  I good at copying and not that great at my originals. 

These two came from playing card size pictures.  The first one I did maybe about 9 years ago I think.  The second one I think I did around the same time as the first but I never finished colouring it.  I still like it though.

If I remember right all of the ones above from the Gargoyle girl to the orange haired girl I did around high school.  Some were for art class and were marked.  Some of these weren't my favorites.  I do like there one that is in the school girl uniform though.  She looks like Kagome from Inu Yasha.  

This one is Neo Queen Serenity (Sailor Moon).  Only a sketch.  I also took it off a card that I had and redid it on paper. 

This final one was a folder I had to do for high school to put all our drawing that we did.  It had to have all the stuff that we liked on it.  The one thing that I noticed though was the teacher spelled my name wrong.  I know it is an unusual name but come on!

Anyway that is all for now.  I might have more pictures later on.  Not sure yet. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Japanese Singer

Good afternoon.

Today's post will be of one of my favorite singers from Japan.
Utada Hikaru.  I first fell in love with her music when I first heard it on one of my Video Games call Kingdom Hearts.  Here is one of her songs that I found on YouTube.
Mother, why is it
That all the things we were brought up to cherish
Are the very same things we eventually work to destroy?

Without doing away with
This increasingly senseless collage of reality,
I will be left with nothing to hold on to
Even if I were to keep holding on to your hand…

Be my last… be my last…
Be my last… be my last…
I beg of you, you have to be my last…

Friends without faces encouraged me to give it my best
We really did our best, didn't we?
Though falling into this love was a mistake,
What we had was not a mistake at all

My hands aren't able to hold on to you
How far are we dreaming?

With my hands… with my hands…
With my hands… with my hands…
You have to be my last

Rather than waiting to be with you one day,
I would prefer to be with you for an hour tonight

My hands no longer hold on to anything
Who is this person staring back at me, believing she has grown up?

Be my last… be my last…
Be my last… be my last…
Please, I am begging you to be my last…

Lyrics I found was from

Monday, October 28, 2013

Japan Fact of the Day

Hello Everyone

I worked today and am a little tired. So this is going to be a short post.

I was looking around online and found out that Japan's current population as of July 2012 is 127,368,088.
They are the 10th most populated country in the world.
That is all for today of Japan facts.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Root of it all.

Good Afternoon

I would like to tell you about the roots for my passion of the Japanese culture.
It all started when I was in grade 10.  A friend of mine introduce me to a Japanese Anime called Sailor Moon.

She showed me a couple of pictures, and told me when it was on.  So I thought why not give it a shot.  I had no idea at the time on how hooked I was going to get.  At the time I only saw the dubbed vision of it. (In english).  After a time of watching the first one and a half seasons of it over and over in English waiting for it to continue. I was trying to find a way to see more.  At the time all I could really do was find pictures and try to draw them.  Also that same friend had the three movies and let me watch them, and I was even more hooked.

Since then I got my own collection of the show all in Japanese with subtitles, many posters, and all the Manga books. 

During the time in high school I did a project about Japan and I got an A I think if I remember right.  I even got more into it and tried learning the language.  Wow that took awhile to try to learn it around that time.  I only got to know a few words.  Now that I have more time and determination I am learning it a whole lot more, and I am really enjoying it.

Now a days I watching more different kinds of animes all in Japanese so I can hear it and get use to it.  I listen to a lot of J. music.  I am catching of words and maybe even sentence or two.

That is all for now. Please send comments.  
I would like to hear what you think.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Japanese Word of the week.

Good Morning all.

I was think of making Saturday a word of the week post.
I will put up a word in Japanese, and explain the meaning of it.

Today's word will be...

暴く - abaku
Which means: Expose; reveal

So depending on the word the explanation might be longer.
My information is coming from Japanese-English, English Japanese Dictionary by: Seigo Nakao

That is it for now. I might put something on later.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Second Passion

Good Morning everyone. 
Last night I told you about my passion for the Japanese Language and culture.
Now I am going to tell you about another passion of mine at that is Witchcraft.  There are still a lot of people that think about is as "Evil" however the Craft is Not about devil worship or human sacrifices.  The Craft that I was raised on was more about our connection to nature.  Speaking to the God and the Goddess.  Helping people with our gift/gifts.  Whichever gift that might be.  Yes there are ways we can cause harm, but we don't do that unless we are completely in the right mind.  If we are not, and it is our own desires to cause the harm and there is no reason for it, it will come back to us three fold.
I am not going to get to much into this topic.  I just might put up a video or a spell, or a book that I have read every and then.  So if you are interest in the topic and want to learn more look up the books that I post on here or the sites that I come across.

Here is a video that I found on Youtube for this topic.  Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

First post

Hello for the first time.
I am just starting out in the blog world and I don't know where to start.  I want to post about so many things that has built up inside my head.  Also I love and passionate about so many things.
My main thing that I enjoy most right now is learning the Japanese language and the culture of Japan.  I have been listening to so much of their music, watching anime, and reading the book called Japanese Tales Edited and Translated by: Royall Tyler.
I am not even halfway through it yet, but it is good so far.  There is all sorts of different kinds of short stories that goes pretty far back around 898 which is the Shotai era in Japan.  There are no actual dates for the stories so you can't tell on when they were written or who wrote them.

That is all for tonight, but I will try to update my blog regularly in bring more of what is in my mind out to the page.  Thanks and goodnight.